What’s your Lyink?

just one lyink

you’ll ever need

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Play Store – Android

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You will never need to change your bio lyink ever again

Lyink works on all of the platforms you need to share important links with your followers. Think of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Website, Skype, Portfolio or even your email.

Your Lyink is just a collection of all your social links with few important details, which gets your users to where you want them fast.

Get your Lyink

Always Free

Signup now and get your lyink.

Verified Badge

Amazing features you will love.

Awesome Design

Flat & trendy design, easy to use.

Custom Name

You can choose your name

Visual Builder

Design your own lyink page.


Advance analytics for your profile.

Add all your social links, whatsapp & details in one place.

Design your own template

Your professional lyink page is one of the most important url you’ll ever need, so design it as you desire.

Verified Account

You can get your verified account via settings after you login.

One Lyink to Remember

First impressions count, specially online. Whether it’s on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social network, Your lyink is the only one thing you will ever need.

Get Your Lyink

Let people know you with one simple Lyink.


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